

Mosquito control services use a variety of different application methods to control 蚊子 in communities, 私人后院, 公园, 商业地产. 控制蚊子数量没有放之四海而皆准的解决方案. 蚊子管理项目提高了户外活动的生活质量和舒适度, but are most important for limiting transmission of mosquito-borne diseases such as West Nile Virus, Zika病毒, 以及各种脑炎.

如果你住在提供蚊虫控制治疗的社区, 或者你想雇佣一项服务来减少你自己财产上的蚊子数量, 了解使用的3种主要控制方法将会有所帮助, 以及每种方法的优缺点.

Three Types of Mosquito Spraying:  Night-Time ULV Treatments, Barrier Applications, and Larviciding

There are three types of mosquito control applications that are the most commonly used to reduce mosquito populations:

  1. 夜间喷雾治疗
  2. 日间屏障应用
  3. 广域杀幼虫剂应用


黄昏时间用电动紫外线喷雾机进行驱蚊处理夜间灭蚊应用通常用于大面积灭蚊, 例如横跨整个社区或非常大的商业或私人财产. Night-time mosquito control treatments are conducted using Ultra-Low Volume (ULV) application equipment, 通常安装在皮卡车或全地形车的底盘上. 在一些地区, fixed-wing aircraft are used to make night-time mosquito treatments in order to cover a large geographic area in a short window of time. Both the EPA and CDC recognize a legitimate and compelling need for the prudent use of night-time spray treatments to control 成人 蚊子, 特别是要预防蚊媒疾病的风险.

ULV equipment converts a liquid mosquito control product into an ultra-fine spray cloud comprised of microscopic droplets that are so small, 一个大头针的顶部可以容纳超过15个单独的液滴.  The small size of the droplets allows them to float through the air for a short period of time so they can come in contact with flying 成人 蚊子. 这种液滴的配方是为了穿透蚊子的表皮而设计的, 影响神经系统, 摧毁它,最终带来死亡. ULV applications for mosquito control use a very small amount of product and a very low amount of active ingredient. 常用的灭蚊制剂通常含有不到2%的有效成分, and applications put out 1 ounce of formulated product per land acre (about the size of a football field). 剂量极低,因为它的配方是专门针对蚊子的.



  • 在黄昏或黎明蚊子最活跃的时候使用.
  • Quickly and effectively reduce active mosquito populations to improve quality of life and prevent disease transmission.
  • Sensitive insects like honey bees and butterflies are usually sheltered or not active when night-time mosquito spraying occurs, 限制暴露风险.
  • 控制蚊子所需的剂量率非常低.
  • All products used are EPA registered for residential and wide-area public health mosquito control, and go through thorough efficacy and environmental impact studies before being registered for use.


  • Only effective on 蚊子 flying and active at the time of treatment – will not fully eliminate mosquito populations.
  • 缓解是暂时的. 喷雾会在治疗区域迅速消散(在5-30分钟内), 视天气情况而定). 它们没有任何残留效应.
  • 夜间用药的时机可能会让居民怀疑他们是否真的得到了治疗.


防蚊屏障用背脊喷药 相比之下,还有另一种灭蚊处理方法 在白天 称为屏障应用程序. Barrier treatments are the most common application method used for backyard mosquito control. Many barrier products do contain the same active ingredients that are used for night-time spray treatments, 但剂量率和应用方法, 在某些情况下甚至是配方设计, 是完全不同的.

Mosquito control products formulated for barrier control are designed to last in the treatment area for several days, 如果不是几周, 取决于所使用的产品和天气条件. 它们的工作原理是控制在处理过的植物或坚硬表面上降落和停留的蚊子. And because the product works on contact and needs to last for an extended period of time in a wide range of weather conditions, the dose rate required for mosquito control is much greater than what is used for night-time ULV applications.

当涉及到屏障应用时, they are conducted using backpack spray systems that convert the liquid product into large droplets – 3 to 10x larger than a ULV droplet. 该产品适用于植被(景观植物,树叶,林木线等).),成蚊喜欢在白天在该处休息. 取决于所使用的产品和涂抹者持有的许可证类型, these products can also be used on hard surfaces around your property like foundation walls or fences. 然而,屏障产品不应应用于草坪,花园或任何开花植物.



  • 针对蚊子白天休息的特定区域.
  • Slowly reduces and helps maintain low mosquito populations in the treatment area for several days or weeks.
  • 申请在白天完成, 向治疗时在家的业主提供治疗确认书.



  • Highly susceptible to weather conditions – heavy rain following a barrier application could decrease the length of control.
  • Applications on plants may unintentionally expose other insects that rest or feed on treated vegetation.
  • 一些, 但并非全部, products used for barrier control are EPA-registered and required to demonstrate lasting efficacy on 蚊子. 许多“天然”驱蚊产品没有在环保局注册,在很多情况下, 不需要科学证据证明它们有效!


杀幼虫剂 are mosquito control products that control mosquito populations in the larval stage of their life cycle. 它们直接施用于成年雌蚊产卵的水源, 并努力防止蚊子幼虫飞起来, 咬的成年人. 杀幼虫剂有多种剂型, 包括液体, 细粒度的, 还有平板电脑形式等等, 并可通过广泛的设备应用, 包括手工, 背包鼓风机, 直升机或飞机, 或鼓风设备.

布法罗涡轮喷风设备使用杀幼虫剂An emerging method for applying liquid larvicides over a wide area uses a turbine-powered air blast Wide area liquid larviciding with air blast equipment was first introduced for mosquito control during the Zika病毒 outbreaks of 2016 and 2017 in Miami-Dade County and Brownsville, 德州. These communities needed an alternative to applying liquid larvicide by air over urban communities that could still efficiently reach backyards and other obstructed areas where mosquito breeding was occurring.

Wide area liquid larvicide applications differ from wide-area night-time ULV treatments in a few key ways, 包括:

  • 像布法罗涡轮这样的鼓风设备将产品通过ULV喷嘴排出, 引导液滴向上, 80到100英尺高. 这使得液滴可以在空气中移动, 在建筑物上方, 树线, 或者其他障碍, before ultimately depositing into cryptic water-holding objects and places where 蚊子 lay eggs.水牛城涡轮鼓风应用是如何工作的
  • The droplet size required for wide-area larviciding through an air blast machine is greater than what is desired for night-time ULV applications, 但仍然比屏障应用小得多.
  • 杀幼虫剂治疗有广泛的应用, flexible treatment window – they can be scheduled for any time of day that works best for the community.


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